
Players on Pause: How to Keep High-Performance Teams Motivated

Andre Iguodala shares insight on how team members on Zoom call

Andre Iguodala shares insight on how team members can stay focused during the COVID-19 shutdown. By Andre Iguodala, Venture Partner at Comcast Ventures’ Catalyst Fund On March 11, I didn’t even have a chance to get out of my uniform, before hearing the basketball season was suspended. Within hours, I was coordinating travel to be with Players on Pause: How to Keep High-Performance Teams Motivated

Leading Through a Crisis: A Practical Guide for Founders

Fatima Husain sitting in front of laptop

Fatima Husain is a Principal Investor at Comcast Ventures and Catalyst Fund As COVID-19 swept over the startup landscape, early-stage investor Fatima Husain spent hours on calls with first-time founders, veteran entrepreneurs, and large tech company executives. The result is a practical guide for founders stabilizing companies and preparing for the next two years. Listed below are Leading Through a Crisis: A Practical Guide for Founders

COVID-19 Resources and Tools

Masks on desk with young woman at computer in the background

Start-up founders and their teams are known to move fast, forge partnerships, and tap unlimited creativity to do what they do best.

Attabotics is Fixing Old Supply Chain Problems with New Automation Technology

Scott Gravelle

Founder of Attabotics, Scott Gravelle, shares the idea that formed the business and the experiences that inspired him to build robots Solving a big problem can start with a small observation. For Scott Gravelle, founder of Attabotics, his idea to build robots started with ants, and observing how they seamlessly build colonies together. Big companies like Attabotics is Fixing Old Supply Chain Problems with New Automation Technology

Imagining the Future of Transportation

Traffic on all lanes on California highway

By making smart investments, modern day commuter transportation can be much more efficient, safer, and environmentally friendly By Dinesh Moorjani Urban commuters have a plethora of ways to get from point A to point B. Outside of bending space (for you quantum physics geeks), you might choose to drive your own car, take the metro Imagining the Future of Transportation

Software Eats Hardware: The Sequel

Glass idea board in Neuralmagic office

Why I invested in Neural Magic — software that aims to replace high-cost, specialized AI hardware. We’ve heard for decades that “software eats hardware,” and it continues to be true. The latest episode starts in a suburb of Boston with a little-known company called Neural Magic. A spin out of MIT by a brilliant professor and his Software Eats Hardware: The Sequel