
TechCrunch: Populus to Combat Curbside Parking Chaos with Millions in New Funding

Announcing our investment in Populus, a digital infrastructure platform for city curbs and streets

Comcast is helping shape the cities of the future. From launching a connected lighting pilot in Philadelphia that helps the city collect real-time air quality data, to delivering the next phase of connected living with Xfinity Communities, we’re on the journey toward truly connected and smart cities.

As part of that journey, I’m excited to announce Comcast Ventures’ investment in Populus – a mobility platform that helps cities manage their curbs and reduce transportation climate impacts – as part of the company’s recently announced $11M Series A.

Our Investment into Branch Energy: A Game-Changing Green Energy Retail Brand

By Adam Spivack, Principal, Comcast Ventures Venture capital investing is a people business. While we thoroughly examine business models, markets, and growth potential, founding teams make or break the decision to invest. In every investment we ask ourselves: why does this founding team have a distinct advantage to win in their specific market? From my Our Investment into Branch Energy: A Game-Changing Green Energy Retail Brand